Manurewa Central School is an amazing school.
Me and my brothers both loved this place. It is truly amazing.
Even though I've had some rough times, year one and six are always the hardest. Year one is filled with joy, nervousness and excitement making friends is always hard. Year six is pretty similar but full of sadness because it's your last year but the teachers make it much more enjoyable.
The first thing I noticed about this school is the teachers. they are all so nice, especially the year six ones. Whether you're having a bad day or got hurt, they will always be there for yu, and there's no denying it. I would not want any other teachers. So thank you teachers and keep teaching.
As I was going into senior school I realised we were the role models and the leaders so I picked up my game and really tried my best at everything. I pushed through and look I made it even though I thought I couldn't and taught me to be a better and more resilient person and hooray for that.
As I am at the assembly, bawling my eyes out, I will remember all of the good times and think about what a wonderful time I had at this school and what's to come. And to the parents that volunteered to either cheer us on or give us a hand thank you for all of that.
When I walk out those old green gates I will be so sad and so happy that I am leaving. I am so grateful that my parents chose this school for me.
So thank you for all the care and support the people in this school have given me. And good luck to the teachers and students.
Matewa see you later.
After 2 years of watching my sister learn at Manurewa Central School it was finally my turn.
On the first day of stepping through the big green gates waiting to see what class I was in, I felt nervous because everything was new to me but I also felt great excitement to start my journey throughout this school.
As a year 1 Mrs Cameron was good at helping expand my knowledge of maths, my favourite subject, and Mrs Searle taught me how to understand the words that I read and she helped expand my vocabulary.
In year 2 Mrs Cameron was my teacher again!
This year there was something that changed my school journey; COVID-19! We had a few lockdowns which caused us to use Google Classroom and Google Meet so we could call the class and the teachers.
Lockdown was very hard for me, as I missed my friends every day and found it harder to learn.
In year 3 I got put in Mrs Wall's class. The classess were very small which was different from the previous years. We were in a village which was on the field due to some classes being built. Every day we did creative projects and challenged ourselves to learn more. We focused on kindness a lot.
Year 4 was a massive change, as we were in giant classes called pods with 3 whanau groups inside of them. It took a while for me to adjust to them but I think these pods really suited me.
I was in Mrs Alsari's whanau group and she was a wonderful writing teacher for me which helped me very much because writing is my weakest subject.
I got put in Mr chin's class in year 5. We did lots of art in his class which was very fun. We went to WERO white water rafting and went down the rapids which was cool. Mr Chin also took some wonderful photos of everyone.
In year 6 I got put in Mrs Sowden's class. I was happy to be put in her class because I knew her from being in her pod last year.
Our pod went to Camp Adair for our school camp. Me and my classmates and also some teachers did activities and games which were very fun.
We did orienteering, which was cool and we went kayaking even though the water was freezing.
We also did a MUDSLIDE. This was super fun because you would zoom down the slide in the mud and land with a big splash.
On the last evening everyone made s'mores and sang around the campfire. My favourite thing about this camp was the confidence course. The course was a massive mud obstacle course which we had to swing, jump, crawl and swim to get to the end.
Year 6 helped me gain confidence in lots of things, from being away from my family at camp to public speaking like speeches and assemblies.
I got chosen to be a school councillor. We hosted assemblies and helped with events like the art walk and the cultural evening, I would like to thank Mrs Ene for helping me develop leadership skills and responsibility which really helped me in this role.
As my journey throughout Manurewa Central School comes to an end, I will remember the friends I made here and the memories I shared, the teachers that taught me and the lessons I learnt.
I can only hope that my journey through intermediate school will be a s good as it was here.
My journey at Manurewa Central School started by being dragged by my mum through the gates. I didn't want to go to school.
I was quite happy to stay at home but still she dragged me throught the big green gates and to the principal. When I saw the school for the first time I knew there was something different about Manurewa Central School.
I don't remember much about year zero except the time we got free sunglasses. For year one I had Mrs Mosen who taught me my ABS's and 123's. She was a really nice teacher and taught me everything I needed to know about our school and it's values.
Next up was Mrs Searle and her pom pom jar who took us on a very weird year. We started in the old classrooms for term one, but in term two we worked in the village on the field. In term three and four Covid-19 had struck and we were in lockdown for a year.
For year four I had Mrs Wall for a week and then she had a baby and then we had Mrs Nel who came all the way from South Africa. She really got everyone in the right mindset for learning and hard work.
I had Mr Chin for year five. He taught me the ukulele and computer skills. That year I was in the chess team and we came back with second place and that made me very happy.
Last, but definitely not least, is Mrs McHaffie-Green in year 6. She's a Pepsi drinking, Snoopy loving, Art and handwriting teacher. This year we went on lots of trips including Camp Adair, Stardome and Victor Wero. Mrs McHaffie has kept everything in order which I think is near impossible with us, but she's done it nonetheless.
At camp I was very lucky to have my friends who encouraged me to try. This year I was in the chess team again and we came back with 2nd place again. It seems like we never go up or go down.
As a school counsellor this year I went to Young Leaders Day and got to meet some famous people such as William Pike, Brook Neal and The Maori Millionaire.
As I leave this school I will remember every teacher who has helped ma along the way.
It will be very hard to walk out those big green gates knowing it will be my last time ever. I will forever remember what this amazing school has given me.
Thank you Manurewa Central school for everything. I hope intermediate school will treat me just as well.
From the very first moment I walked into the school I knew this would be a fun school.
I started at year 5, so I had a bit of trouble making friends, but soon I had heaps of friends.
Whenever we did something that I felt scared about they encouraged me and helped me to keep moving forward and it didn't stop at year 5. They helped me overcome my fear of the high swing at camp. I even went first, and they also helped me on the mudslide (it was freezing).
But lets go on to teachers. I have been lucky to have Mrs Sowden for the last two years in a row and she always has something fun to do. Now Mrs McHaffie-Green has always got a lot of cool things to do and she always has a schedule on the board so everyone knows what to do and what to get out for the day (and by far the most fun thing is the guitar and drums).
Mr Wickman and me have had our ups and downs but overall I do like and respect him (but not at camp because he made us get up early).
Mrs McHaffie-Green has created an amazing environment for us to learn in. Though my time here has been short, it has been memorable. I will miss this school and all the people in it. When I walk through the big greengates for the last time I will remember my friends my foes but I remember my Manurewa Central School family, the teachers Mrs Griffin, Mrs Ene and Mrs McHaffie-Green. Manurewa Central, you will be remembered as the greatest community as a primary school.
I'm going to miss this. I'm sad to lose friends but I'm excited to open a new door in my life although nervous about intermediate, Manurewa Central School has picked me up from my lows and kept me up high in the clouds. They've helped me get to this point, with the help and support of the teachers and my felloow students they are the best friends to ask for.
I'm so lucky to have been here with a farewell from a long haired Weirdo to shorthaired (kind of) normal person and so it's saddened me to wish Central School a farewell and at the same time happy to go to Manurewa INtermediate.
Au revoir Manurewa Central School.