Manurewa Central School

Year 6 - Student Valedictions

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
Ko Elaina toku ingoa.

It is an honour to stand before you tonight and share my journey of these past 6 years at Manurewa Central School. It is with mixed feelings that my classmates and I celebrate our Year 6 graduation. There is sadness that we are coming to the end of our time at Manurewa Central School, but it is with great excitement that we look forward to our next adventure.

Parents, you are probably wondering where that time has gone! I imagine it must feel like just yesterday your sons and daughters were just graduating preschool and getting ready to go off to primary school. However, the last 6 years may have felt like forever for the students (and maybe some teachers as well).

We have each had our own unique experiences at Manurewa Central School. There have been good times and hard times, new friendships and a lot of memories have been made.

But through it all, thanks to the teachers and staff, it has been a home away from home. There is a real sense of belonging at our school that makes you feel like part of a family. It's never easy getting up on a Monday morning but knowing I'm going to school to be with the rest of my school family makes it a little easier.

I still remember my first day of school walking through the gates, terrified not knowing what to expect. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach as I remember sitting patiently on the concrete outside the auditorium waiting for my name to be called and to find out what class I would be in and who my teacher is.

I was lucky enough to have Mrs McCreight for my first year of primary school and with her help and encouragement I began my love of reading.

In year 2 Mrs Bruce helped me discover the world of mathematics, so I began my love of maths.

In year 3 Mrs Sowden (a.k.a. the young Mrs Sowden) helped us get creative, she opened the door for me into the art dimension, there began my love of art.

In year 4 the other Mrs Sowden (a.k.a. the old one) opened my eyes to the magic of baking! My love of baking may have begun there but to this day, I still love baking (as many of my teachers would know).

In year 5 Ms Alsari awoke my love of writing and, as you can tell by my speech, I still get carried away.

This year in year 6 Mrs McHaffie has helped me take each of these individual things I love and turned them all into a love of learning. she has given me many opportunities to grow both in the classroom and throughout the school. Mrs McHaffie has done an amazing job at preparing us for intermediate, including getting us fit!

Even though Covid interrupted my learning, I still tried my hardest to make my teacher happy. We would have to do our work online and also go on Zoom calls to see each other. But that didn't stop me from learning.

I would also like to thank Mrs Ene for giving the school councillors so many opportunities to get involved in school activities and events.

My role as a school councillor has helped me to gain confidence in myself and my abilities. That is when our school motto really started to shine through.

To finish off I would like to share a quote by Malcolm X:

"Education is our passport to the future, for those who prepare for it today".

So thank you Mrs McHaffie, Mr Baird, Miss Radich, Mrs MacLean, Mrs Armitage and all the other teachers at Manurewa Central School for helping us get prepared.

Year 6 2022 graduates are ready to take on the world.

Nga mihi,
Haere ra.


School is one of the stages of life, but it is nothing like the life you had been used to. Insead of doing nothing except sleeping, eating and making sure that your parents give you more attention than your siblings, a bag gets slapped on your shoulders and you get shoved through the big green gates.

Manurewa Central School has made me the person I am today like no other primary school ever could. I made friends I could rely on and teachers who could teach me, and pushed me to always do my very best. But this school has changed since we first walked through those big green gates.

When I first arrived at Manurewa Central School, I was shy and timid. I would never speak or raise my hand in class. But, once I got to Year 4, I had taken a few steps forward in my journey through primary school. My confidence was much greater.

My teacher, Mrs Sowden taught me cooking and showed me how to be a baker. That was now a possible future for me.

One day she led us out of the classroom. What I saw changed my school life forever. Our old classrooms were being destroyed by a gigantic digger.

When I came back to school after the school holidays, all the other classrooms had been destroyed because of asbestos removal. We were moved to prefabs shortly after. We also had Covid 19 to contend with. Then we were put into lockdown and we had to stay in it, off and on for over 2 YEARS!!!

We used Google Classroom to meet each other.

We made it through those tough 2 years and it helped us to understand perseverance.

The next year taught me S.T.E.A.M, problem-solving, working in groups, history, healthy eating and which F1 driver was best. (Yes, I am looking at you, Mr Baird).

In year 6, I was chosen to be a School Councillor and put in Mrs McHaffie's class. She loves playing the guitar, doing art and everything about Snoopy.

She taught me so many things, especially how to play hockey and now it's my favourite sport. She was always a bit strict, but it was all for our education. She is an awesome teacher.

During the year, I tried out everything I could to help my learning. We are so lucky to have had such amazing teachers to help us in our journey through our final year.

Thank you Mr Baird, Miss Radich, Mrs MacLean, Mrs Armitage and Mrs McHaffie.

This school gave me so many memories I will never forget. Through all of the hard times, easy times, happy times and sad times. When I walk through the big green gates for the last time, I will know I am finally ready to start the next part of my journey.

All of the things I have learnt and all my memories will stay with me forever.

Just remember....

Effort Brings Reward
